BPM Shook - Tahbodedon
BPM Shook - Tahbodedon

1ne of a kind (some days hit me like a ton of bricks )

1ne of a kind (some days hit me like a ton of bricks )

79 Plays


2 months ago

some days hit me like a ton of bricks dont want to do nothing/ trippin on the current weather cold as alaska and cant do nothing stuck between a rock and a hard place claiming my fate, regardless of all drama that seems to come my way. another play while i stay out the way send my homie , the business so i my clientelle don't stray. a chosen few know how i demonstrate, many others fefuse to take ofheed and conceed to cooperate im under the weather on vicks & mucinex bundled up undercovers sipping on lemon tea craving to smoke a spliff...but im having little issue that prevents that lick...gotta check the email, receiving my details some news im not prepared for. burning my cells.


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Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

2 months ago

Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: Dope πŸ”₯ Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

I feel it! πŸ€œπŸ€› TOO HOT πŸš’ CAKE 🍰 LIT πŸ”₯ Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

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