Carnerlli filler
Carnerlli filler

life is hard

life is hard

12 Plays

2 months ago

life is hard on the road all alone trying to promise ma tone to ma goals with a lot of heat also too much holes on the road lot of goofies but I'm reaching ma goals many men many men on the road but I'm hold heart times I hold ma fist and be bold with the shit make ma heart cold I'm also told with a lot of goofies shit gone be sold life is hard


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2 months ago

life is hard on the road all alone trying to promise ma tone to ma goals with a lot of heat also too much holes on the road lot of goofies but I'm reaching ma goals many men many men on the road but I'm hold heart times I hold ma fist and be bold with the shit make ma heart cold I'm also told with a lot of goofies shit gone be sold life is hard

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