
I need you to know

I need you to know

26 Plays

3 months ago

i need you to know i see you, I need you to know I wannabe be with you, i need you to know I feel you, let's grow the seed of love that we've sown, knowing we've sown it at a time that it was needed the most despite not much understanding from those who should of known how to make you feel better especially for one of their own instead of this your being thrown into the lions den ... i need you to know i see you, I need you to know I wannabe be with you, i need you to know I feel you, let's grow..... expecting to be shown respect especially their words that were moaned from their dispirited mouths that once taught you whilst you were growing in their home in the space they created never knowing that one day that this much hate was created and directed towards you and me putting you on a pedestal destination doomed pushing one further into what is now escapism consumed with crystal cracked fumes..... i need you to know i see you, I need you to know I wannabe be with you, i need you to know I feel you, let's grow..... forming the fortune you and I need for you to grow for you and i for me allow what it was that you need helping you to see that you and me can go go go so far far far far and shine in a way that'll shape or form the stars in the sky no one thing that was from the past will cast or even give doubt flashbacks in your eyes pure blue as the sea the heart felt feeling we felt proving there's no lies that came to provoke the spies and you've always kept shape in ways or form not any nosey thorn allowing one thing as she'd be conformed to the people that are speaking the truth to and throw just to cause grief the same answers that succeed and make me with she into we so it can be for the fact that they lack and don't understand that the friction creates hurt which is what they make not knowing it's respect that's earnt


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3 months ago

yea bro better my g

3 months ago

i need you to know i see you, I need you to know I wannabe be with you, i need you to know I feel you, let's grow the seed of love that we've sown, knowing we've sown it at a time that it was needed the most despite not much understanding from those who should of known how to make you feel better especially for one of their own instead of this your being thrown into the lions den ... i need you to know i see you, I need you to know I wannabe be with you, i need you to know I feel you, let's grow..... expecting to be shown respect especially their words that were moaned from their dispirited mouths that once taught you whilst you were growing in their home in the space they created never knowing that one day that this much hate was created and directed towards you and me putting you on a pedestal destination doomed pushing one further into what is now escapism consumed with crystal cracked fumes..... i need you to know i see you, I need you to know I wannabe be with you, i need you to know I feel you, let's grow..... forming the fortune you and I need for you to grow for you and i for me allow what it was that you need helping you to see that you and me can go go go so far far far far and shine in a way that'll shape or form the stars in the sky no one thing that was from the past will cast or even give doubt flashbacks in your eyes pure blue as the sea the heart felt feeling we felt proving there's no lies that came to provoke the spies and you've always kept shape in ways or form not any nosey thorn allowing one thing as she'd be conformed to the people that are speaking the truth to and throw just to cause grief the same answers that succeed and make me with she into we so it can be for the fact that they lack and don't understand that the friction creates hurt which is what they make not knowing it's respect that's earnt

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