
12 Plays


3 months ago


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Dig it πŸ‘ Hard πŸ‘Š Money πŸ’Έ Hard πŸ‘Š Dig it πŸ‘ Hard πŸ‘Š Money πŸ’Έ

3 months ago

Nice really but you can do better keep it up

3 months ago

Hey @renaecarnegie.10388819, We appreciate you sharing 'Underdog' with us! πŸ’₯ 1. Practise makes perfect, improving on every drop will only take you closer to sounding like a pro. 😎 2. Some eye-catching cover art can draw new people to your music! πŸŽ‡ 3. Your track could really benefit from a headset to improve the recording quality! 🎧 4. Your next track could sound even better with some vocal FX. Why not try our set in the studio? 5. Try using our denoise feature to reduce the background noise from your device! 6. The track here is way too short, send us a longer track so we can help you improve! 7. Why not upload or record a video to go along with your music, that way you could get featured on the Popular Video section! πŸ“Έ Submit more for feedback from us and community to see how you're progressing! πŸ’ͺ All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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