Sunita Ramadhin
Sunita Ramadhin

life is hard enough

life is hard enough

47 Plays

4 months ago

Dear brothers and sisters to all of you out there.. complaining and being treated unfair. listen to what i got to say. if youre heart is corrupted don't come my way. i don't have a place to stay.. but i know someone who does.. He came to invite you 2000 years ago His name is Jesus.. i followed Him from a Low life to a higher perspective.. He gave me a new Heart.. while i was a liars captive.. i was surrounded like you lost to be found now i found something true.. life is hard when you have no money life is hard when you have no Home life is hard if you don't have a honey.. life is hard if you can't call someone you're own.. so here is the good news for all of you who are broken.. first you have to repent and break all you're curses.. God will sent His Angels.. the soldiers and the nurses.. break all the patterns of your ancestors . you will see how His blessings cures. breaks the chains of the wicked and the socery practice. life aint easy if you have no money it is hard if you don't have a home.. life aint easy if you don't have a Honey life is hard, if you can't call someone you're own. let me tell you the truth about being broken down.. the pride, the corruption feeling the victim acting on deception. money don't make you wealthy a house is not a home random sex won't get you someone reliable to call you're own if you ever desired to feel true Love ask for redemption from the one Who Reigns from above. life is hard if you have no money life is hard if you don't have a home.. what if you told you that Gods Word is the Honey.. and you are called by your name.. to be His Own. He is calling you to come Home.. listen to what i gotta say.. follow Jesus, the truth the Life and the Way.


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