Bank Closed

1 Plays

4 months ago

money's at the bank close is when you shut and s*** down everyday of the week money in the Bank though mean you got the money in the bank but what you doing on a professional level it has you so drunk tight that it's just everything down you using every penny in the bank and I got to close it down cuz the bank all the money in the bank is yours it's called being a stewardship if you have your store ship are you using Commonwealth then you got money in the bank though


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money's at the bank close is when you shut and s*** down everyday of the week money in the Bank though mean you got the money in the bank but what you doing on a professional level it has you so drunk tight that it's just everything down you using every penny in the bank and I got to close it down cuz the bank all the money in the bank is yours it's called being a stewardship if you have your store ship are you using Commonwealth then you got money in the bank though

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