
don’t give up on your goals

don’t give up on your goals

8 Plays

4 months ago

Because I know the reason why people try drugs they’re either curious out of their mind or another reason as a bad life I knew a lot of people that turn to wrap which helped them because I know a curiosity feels like I know what heartbreak feels like I know what a lot feels like I’ve been through a lot you know so young age I know a lot a hustle until I got no more space in my wallet because I know I’ve had a hard life that’s why I’m quiet and I don’t talk a lot because times get rough I remember being poor while he saw me now I know what not a lot of money have a niece because I know it sucks and that’s why a lot of people turn emo


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4 months ago

Because I know the reason why people try drugs they’re either curious out of their mind or another reason as a bad life I knew a lot of people that turn to wrap which helped them because I know a curiosity feels like I know what heartbreak feels like I know what a lot feels like I’ve been through a lot you know so young age I know a lot a hustle until I got no more space in my wallet because I know I’ve had a hard life that’s why I’m quiet and I don’t talk a lot because times get rough I remember being poor while he saw me now I know what not a lot of money have a niece because I know it sucks and that’s why a lot of people turn emo

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