
73 Plays

5 months ago

-Look -You need to read book -If you want to say good lirycs -when you shoot dont do bricks -Its mean that you practice -Sorry if you dont check the advice -By breaking the ice floe -Check is lirycs and his floe -1,2,3 and I started -1,2,3 and you criing -Sad for the moment who buried -All the time dont pist or packing -My favorite game is magic the gathering -Yes on my finger he has no ring -Im not a gangster im a liricker -shut the fuck up what you said its fucker -Check the pollution off the world -Racist why you said the endword -first song in english -Before I rap in french -That the introduction -Now I do my preparation -To be honnest and respectful -Please be calm and careful ×2


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4 months ago

Keep grinding ✊

5 months ago

je vais te faire monter à 1000 écoute, je vais écouter tes music

5 months ago

cool 😅🤣

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