Isaac Johnson

stilling the body's sealed

Isaac Johnson
stilling the body's sealed

12 Plays

10 months ago

stertipical fossilized smi titles orffines belaif weter then dew thickens in wats in a foggy drift that's a trip though be given up on offine occasionally drifs dryer then iceberg slops moven slow fated gift holding dusty losen gravel shaken clustered cloud rise up dust stands wall crash roof tops blackwater storyline buffed hemi straight sink sandmound hint not a chump but wow won't just dip .. selfishly sad did... the good die youth and stay gone na damn part bob-ahead get the picture flauty amusement d- was what set beset best be set a- eyes tricky lie to the headline read mind spy on man see I saw a interstellerspace ship i n sky soder me stout weruly feeling of breifness willing any body believe this calls for a evolve special tea humanity A opp in cut position hippie reckon ball saw discrimnitive skeptical jamboree jambo on g put fourth action those silent reaction spook ... illegally stroked out government assistance any way either way acts sic chances flop and dropping over the scan frame hacker intention aint troubleshooting whoopsing about a 67 million dollar neighborhood system crashed small stuff account nipping busy as bee's bearing pollinating thus naturn provides growth. stylish applied literally drop the bomd sound tempy treist drop a ahand holding a Trigger srupy fill of emmossional shock exsivelypacked in 4 inch magnetic ball bearing that kind of aperul worrys really my stylistpin carefully flip roll up the clamness status mixturn writer saddpiss shoot broha side step the fuzz theme order wickedly billed socially serialized numbers # mask on re tracking from bitch up posers jump out squares pop up aren't balanced on the plate flat like an stuff cookie name double stuffed when limp to the side like my leg is broken like I was twitching and smoking last balanced diet has pie-set


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10 months ago

stertipical fossilized smi titles orffines belaif weter then dew thickens in wats in a foggy drift that's a trip though be given up on offine occasionally drifs dryer then iceberg slops moven slow fated gift holding dusty losen gravel shaken clustered cloud rise up dust stands wall crash roof tops blackwater storyline buffed hemi straight sink sandmound hint not a chump but wow won't just dip .. selfishly sad did... the good die youth and stay gone na damn part bob-ahead get the picture flauty amusement d- was what set beset best be set a- eyes tricky lie to the headline read mind spy on man see I saw a interstellerspace ship i n sky soder me stout weruly feeling of breifness willing any body believe this calls for a evolve special tea humanity A opp in cut position hippie reckon ball saw discrimnitive skeptical jamboree jambo on g put fourth action those silent reaction spook ... illegally stroked out government assistance any way either way acts sic chances flop and dropping over the scan frame hacker intention aint troubleshooting whoopsing about a 67 million dollar neighborhood system crashed small stuff account nipping busy as bee's bearing pollinating thus naturn provides growth. stylish applied literally drop the bomd sound tempy treist drop a ahand holding a Trigger srupy fill of emmossional shock exsivelypacked in 4 inch magnetic ball bearing that kind of aperul worrys really my stylistpin carefully flip roll up the clamness status mixturn writer saddpiss shoot broha side step the fuzz theme order wickedly billed socially serialized numbers # mask on re tracking from bitch up posers jump out squares pop up aren't balanced on the plate flat like an stuff cookie name double stuffed when limp to the side like my leg is broken like I was twitching and smoking last balanced diet has pie-set

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