Nya Henry
Nya Henry

in the hood gang🤟🏾

in the hood gang🤟🏾

12 Plays

6 months ago

(Verse 1) In the city streets where shadows play, A gang of rebels emerged one day. With hearts of fire and eyes so cold, Their stories of adventure yet untold. (Chorus) They ruled the night, a force to be reckoned, Their loyalty strong, their bonds unbroken. Through trials and tribulations they'd face, A brotherhood forged in a dangerous place. (Verse 2) They wore their colors, a symbol of pride, United they stood, side by side. From the alleys to the neon-lit bars, They left their mark, like shooting stars. (Chorus) They ruled the night, a force to be reckoned, Their loyalty strong, their bonds unbroken. Through trials and tribulations they'd face, A brotherhood forged in a dangerous place. (Bridge) But with power comes a price to pay, As rivalries grew, tensions would sway. Betrayal loomed in the city's haze, Testing their loyalty in mysterious ways. (Chorus) They ruled the night, a force to be reckoned, Their loyalty strong, their bonds unbroken. Through trials and tribulations they'd face, A brotherhood forged in a dangerous place. (Outro) In the end, their story remains, A tale of triumphs, losses, and gains. Though their paths may have diverged, Their legacy lives on, forever submerged.

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