


40 Plays

6 months ago

No problem im back what is broblem haha you broblem i kill you fill you deal you and bill you No broblem dame is back No broblem he is back but in black With a big ball sack No money No broblem No cars No bitches No nothing no problem If dame your friend no problem I gone now i back So come on figt back pussys I kill you who try me Hahahaaaaaaa Dameeees baack So you all eat shit say he go go I come back after a year and your mamas a whore whore At night she said pls more more She cent get inofe ov me


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6 months ago

hey nice song😨😨🤡🤡 keep up the work man we can make a colabaration together in the future🤑🤑😨😨🙀🙀

6 months ago

No problem im back what is broblem haha you broblem i kill you fill you deal you and bill you No broblem dame is back No broblem he is back but in black With a big ball sack No money No broblem No cars No bitches No nothing no problem If dame your friend no problem I gone now i back So come on figt back pussys I kill you who try me Hahahaaaaaaa Dameeees baack So you all eat shit say he go go I come back after a year and your mamas a whore whore At night she said pls more more She cent get inofe ov me

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