Skrt Sultan
Skrt Sultan

raw edit

raw edit

19 Plays

5 months ago

I know you god and I know the devil you both of my shoulder so it seems but reluctantly no matter what I'm in trouble fear drives my life chaotically alone into these dark tunnels i follow my gaurdian angel I tno matter what I'm protected little bit of jail little bit of institutions i never OD'd while using had to save a few though first time I ever gave anyone CPR f***** up thing was it was another man when it comes to life is priceless ain't no homo just a homeless hobo with great opportunity that follows ask the Lord show me the steps Bill w said it best there's 12 of them pretty familiar with the dirty dozen at the gym when im not drug hustlin you can find me at the gym giving em hell as a lifestyle insane to my craft when I would leave I find myself coming right back funny thing was the employees just hired me on there everyday anyways might as well collect a paycheck in any case from the moment I open my eyes my brain gets flushed from the times that I did dirt feeling like a Xanax high no recollection or conscious thought thought of the consequences I brought selfishly just looking at my life with one everlasting thought just don't want to be touched don't want any hugs it's just that my mind only craves drugs it's my will so I continue to play subconsciously just a human wrecking Ball but ain't no one catching on to me I got something evil inside of me best believe that I'm suiting up being stereotyped everywhere I go the masses critique me disgustingly like I'm shooting up putting my heart I'm giving up little do you know about this war that goes on in this matrix close minded another tunnel vision sheep here we go the phone's ringing and I'm running just get me out of my head alone the Lord's light I just might make it a time to answer the phone I'm coming for myself to the I asked Lord build with me for you to do with me as thou wilt relieve me of that bondage of self that I may bear witness to those that I would help to that power and thy kingdom and thy way of life may I do now will only Lord amen it is apparent I can't imagine being a parent the lies that I lived and neighbors labeling me a problem kid my father embarrassed enough for him to move the skies are all black getting ripped out of school if nobody is going to listen to my pain and what I'm saying then go ahead and hit me up in the spoon boil me down in a thick shot of brown for this test ain't for me goofball don't forget the meth now I'm running my life is no doubt a roller coaster ride that's fatal I should have stayed standing in line learn from others mistakes rather than jumping on in the last cart whipped around straight out The gate and Carnie is determining my fate cuz I'm sick I created a normal that was horrible nothing shy of an absolute utter failure filed away for another day or at least until someone stumbled across my Jumanji I'm gone Godspeed


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5 months ago

so I basically didn't even realize I posted this I was in the middle of editing it when I thought I deleted the whole thing just to find it here,! I appreciate the feedback thank you I'll keep working on this and I'll post a final version soon. need more time learning how to work the app fully. be safe! 💯

Check out my track fam This is fire !! Keep going 💯

5 months ago

okej flot gang top freestyle flow music chill boom bap

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