00 Shultz

"Keep Going"

00 Shultz
"Keep Going"

8 Plays

9 months ago


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9 months ago

You know what you just hitting on people for no fucking reason says one thing about you. Another thing is that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about this cool though it’s not like I don’t already have the fucking respect in the fuck 20 years plus doing this And I still go out of my way to hate on people I don’t like this shit bro I will eat you alive. I wish you would. The first one was just me being pissed second one I would laid into your fucking punk ass. I know you ain’t got no fucking talent not the way you act and no respect no fucking manners nothing once you take your ass back to fucking whatever cardboard box you call out of.

9 months ago

So I did mine with five minutes bro you got 10 minutes to respond are you just a punk ass bitch was running this fucking mouth like everybody else fucking keyboard thugs the funny thing is I’m on here I bet got morecrowns followers and more plays then you once you wrap some Christmas presents bitch cause that’s all you’re getting done

9 months ago

Let’s battle we’ll see how good you really think you are. I bet I fucking punk you.

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