crown boi lil
crown boi lil

Luv 💕 shadow

Luv 💕 shadow

99 Plays

7 months ago

Demo ver. Hook You and me 在 海灘上 漫步 hang out step-by-step (one- two) 浮淺在 那片海 湛藍的 ocean time stop 在轉瞬 的 moment 粉紅bobble like unreal de vision You make me addtive likes cocaine cocaine V1 把你放在我心裡 first place (my heart's) Luv , I through with you all day all night 依然記得 相遇的 morning memory 持續發光 shimmerin shimmerin 就算Time stops in midnight We gotta imagine galaxy (galaxy~) Fxxk love 能否讓我 再一次 擁抱你 (again) Playin again ever scene in my brain Day back to 2021的午夜 uhh uhh Hook You and me 在 海灘上 漫步 hang out step-by-step (one- two) 浮淺在 那片海 湛藍的 ocean time stop 在轉瞬 的 moment 粉紅bobble like unreal de vision You make me addtive likes cocaine cocaine


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7 months ago

Demo ver. Hook You and me 在 海灘上 漫步 hang out step-by-step (one- two) 浮淺在 那片海 湛藍的 ocean time stop 在轉瞬 的 moment 粉紅bobble like unreal de vision You make me addtive likes cocaine cocaine V1 把你放在我心裡 first place (my heart's) Luv , I through with you all day all night 依然記得 相遇的 morning memory 持續發光 shimmerin shimmerin 就算Time stops in midnight We gotta imagine galaxy (galaxy~) Fxxk love 能否讓我 再一次 擁抱你 (again) Playin again ever scene in my brain Day back to 2021的午夜 uhh uhh Hook You and me 在 海灘上 漫步 hang out step-by-step (one- two) 浮淺在 那片海 湛藍的 ocean time stop 在轉瞬 的 moment 粉紅bobble like unreal de vision You make me addtive likes cocaine cocaine

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