Davis D
Davis D

the seal kill my friend

the seal kill my friend

10 Plays

7 months ago

The sea In the hope of El Dorado I didn't listen to the radio This journey deep into the distance To fill My Feast A night trip away from his father A journey so long as the sea Under a mother's tears Not wanting to see his son on the ground Poverty got the better of me Hence the era of My dismay A trouble so deep as a sorrow Made my Queen cry This trip on the ocean! Mom didn't want Calling me son? The Sea Kills! Oh how stubborn I was! Sea ! Canoe! And wealth I just wanted to make mom proud My dream died out in the dark night Where everyone believed in success. Why did it tip over? The canoe plunged me under the sea Did I want to scream? Glum glum glum My mouth only drank the salty sea. Tell mother I went there Deep in the sea and I'm sorry Sorry ! because the objective has been broken That the Sea devoured his son. Tribute to All Our Missing 😭 Written by David K ​​aka El charmingo


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7 months ago


7 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

7 months ago

The sea In the hope of El Dorado I didn't listen to the radio This journey deep into the distance To fill My Feast A night trip away from his father A journey so long as the sea Under a mother's tears Not wanting to see his son on the ground Poverty got the better of me Hence the era of My dismay A trouble so deep as a sorrow Made my Queen cry This trip on the ocean! Mom didn't want Calling me son? The Sea Kills! Oh how stubborn I was! Sea ! Canoe! And wealth I just wanted to make mom proud My dream died out in the dark night Where everyone believed in success. Why did it tip over? The canoe plunged me under the sea Did I want to scream? Glum glum glum My mouth only drank the salty sea. Tell mother I went there Deep in the sea and I'm sorry Sorry ! because the objective has been broken That the Sea devoured his son. Tribute to All Our Missing 😭 Written by David K ​​aka El charmingo

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