Alfred de Pinche'
Alfred de Pinche'

The Red Flag

The Red Flag

121 Plays

5 months ago

Watch out here it comes a ferocious beast is charging fueled in rage and taunts of the red flags wave as the two horned beast swings hard barley missing this weak little one call the matador that what he wants the blood the death of either one the red flag lures and the crowd cheers em on Compared to the beast this little man dressed in sleek tuxedo looking sharp The skills of the matador takes the challenge of this animal armed with two horns built like an ox enrage targeting the matador the bull takes another charge with rage rising within his blood  This bull takes on the challenge but the red flag makes him weak and dumb  One wrong move and disaster can quickly become the spectacal of this big sport down in mexico Killing of the beast he then takes the score and death to the beast claims win can this sport be unethical  The power and meaning of this flag can be deemneaning as the red flag raises warning throughout humanity upholding  The red flag bears the power of what it represents but the one that hides behind it is the one thats been applauded As roses feels the path of this man toes and glory rises screMeing cheering  all around em Quickly looses his own balance as the bull is more than what he wanted blood of the fallen one the beast so ferocious  outweighs this little man but the red flag is what throws him off the power of the beast is matched by the color of the flag  but the matador gets distracted from the crowd throwing roses all around him The fans are shocked and echoes of the awh sends chills down everyone the stadium rattles on and loud scream heard from everyone the bull trampling the blood the flag red warning howling smearing blood As the gory of this man turns so bloody the red flag is wet as the beast is snarling looking up breathing heavily from the swords that pierced his flesh and blood spills all around him the red flag covers up the blood  war between man and beast a match that can quickly turn up the heat as the sirens of the medices racing down to save the helpless clown come prancing in the battle to lure away the bloodied devil but the red flag is down and the beast has won the battle


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4 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

5 months ago

DIFFERENT 💯 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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