Lil K
Lil K

Time Frame

Time Frame

44 Plays

5 months ago

(Verse 1) Tick-tock, time flows on by, A river rushing, reaching the sky. Moments fleeting, slipping away, Leaving memories, come what may. (Chorus) Oh, time, an endless rhyme, A dance of seconds, a rhythm divine. Yesterday's whispers, tomorrow's chime, In this grand symphony, we all align. (Verse 2) From dawn's first light to the twilight's glow, Time weaves stories, both fast and slow. Seasons change, a constant spin, Leaving imprints on where we've been. (Chorus) Oh, time, an endless rhyme, A dance of seconds, a rhythm divine. Yesterday's whispers, tomorrow's chime, In this grand symphony, we all align. (Bridge) With every heartbeat, it beats its own song, A melody of life, eternally strong. Through joy and sorrow, in every clime, Time remains, an unbroken paradigm. (Verse 3) A gift to cherish, a path to tread, Moments lived, words left unsaid. Yet in its passage, we find our way, Navigating life, night to day. (Chorus) Oh, time, an endless rhyme, A dance of seconds, a rhythm divine. Yesterday's whispers, tomorrow's chime, In this grand symphony, we all align. (Outro) So let's embrace this fleeting prime, Live each moment, for it's our time. For in the tapestry of life's design, Time's the thread that makes us shine.

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