Lil K
Lil K

True Love

True Love

21 Plays

5 months ago

(Verse 1) In the hush of night, stars gleam above, Whispers of a tale about true love. A dance of souls, a timeless embrace, Finding solace in each other's grace. (Chorus) True love, a beacon in the dark, A symphony that leaves its mark. Through trials and skies high above, Forever bound by this sacred love. (Verse 2) It's in the laughter, the gentle sighs, In every gaze and heartfelt tries. A harmony woven, hearts entwined, A bond unbroken, eternally aligned. (Chorus) True love, a compass in life's maze, A serenade that sets hearts ablaze. Through stormy seas or skies so blue, It remains steadfast, forever true. (Bridge) Through the passage of time, it endures, A love so pure, unyielding, and sure. Hand in hand, facing what may come, In the tapestry of life, two hearts as one. (Chorus) True love, an anthem through the years, Erasing doubts, allaying fears. In every moment, in every glove, It thrives and flourishes, this essence of true love. (Outro) So let's raise a toast to hearts that find, The rarest treasure, one of a kind. In the echoes of eternity above, Resides the legacy of boundless true love.

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