Brent Mees
Brent Mees

Hey Nate how’s live I don’t know it’s all right I’ve been dealing with some things like every human being. I really didn

Hey Nate how’s live I don’t know it’s all right I’ve been dealing with some things like every human being. I really didn

5 Plays

7 months ago

Hey Nate how’s live I don’t know it’s all right I’ve been dealing with some things like every human being. I really didn’t sleep much last night i’m sorry that’s fine I just take a little bit of time I just think on the little bit of free time little break from the shows and the bus rides yeah last year I had a breakdown thoughts telling me. Lost getting too loud. had to see a therapist then found out. So that’s gold fully up at my my yeah I started thinking maybe I should move out do you know pack my cart take a little route. Pack my cart clean up my yard take the noose out hang up my heart, let it air out


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7 months ago

Hey Nate how’s live I don’t know it’s all right I’ve been dealing with some things like every human being. I really didn’t sleep much last night i’m sorry that’s fine I just take a little bit of time I just think on the little bit of free time little break from the shows and the bus rides yeah last year I had a breakdown thoughts telling me. Lost getting too loud. had to see a therapist then found out. So that’s gold fully up at my my yeah I started thinking maybe I should move out do you know pack my cart take a little route. Pack my cart clean up my yard take the noose out hang up my heart, let it air out

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