
it anit over till over

it anit over till over

60 Plays

6 months ago

it was hard for so many men/ so many men had to get it and get it and start again/over over it feel like the wold is come my shoulders /can it get any colder/ it's hot straight drop out the pot/ fuck a headlock I want the game in a knot/tha4stands4family ima put us on top/ima give it all I got untill thay sentence me to die affiliated with streeties/I'm in the hole like a rabbit foot with 4 of my guys /tha 4 is all we got/so God 4 the block / we lock in untill the casket drop it anit over 3x untill I say it's over " I know some niggas a 100,000 up/but can't man up when the road get ruff/that was your man on that lick and u still under cutt/ u nigga ducks so deserve to get plucked/where I'm from we call that self-destruct/I'm going all the way/ humdoallah to Allah untill I make a play/I'm the truth it's in me like T.D Jakes 89


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it was hard for so many men/ so many men had to get it and get it and start again/over over it feel like the wold is come my shoulders /can it get any colder/ it's hot straight drop out the pot/ fuck a headlock I want the game in a knot/tha4stands4family ima put us on top/ima give it all I got untill thay sentence me to die affiliated with streeties/I'm in the hole like a rabbit foot with 4 of my guys /tha 4 is all we got/so God 4 the block / we lock in untill the casket drop it anit over 3x untill I say it's over " I know some niggas a 100,000 up/but can't man up when the road get ruff/that was your man on that lick and u still under cutt/ u nigga ducks so deserve to get plucked/where I'm from we call that self-destruct/I'm going all the way/ humdoallah to Allah untill I make a play/I'm the truth it's in me like T.D Jakes 89

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