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Time The Human Illusion

 Time The Human Illusion

417 Plays

5 months ago

#sintime explain dilatations to you Is Reality just a dillusion Allow me to weave a rhyme exploring the illusion Time they say is constant unwavering and true Theory of relativity bring forth a different view Einstein unveiled a cosmic truth time dilatations A quantum Reality soon to emerge The fabric of space To which gravity bends In which Times passage slows fast does it to the rest of reality send everything we know Begins to bend Time it is a deception A trick of the mind But I ask Does time truly warp It is a riddle of humankind Something I no pun intended ponder about all the time Perhaps our perception paints a distorted hue That's Skew what is really true We are just Dust to the wind Part of the infinite expanse universe and it's grand design Our understanding of time with which we are forever intertwined Life a quantum illusion a gift from the universe so divine we get our unique minds to perceive in Timeline its ever elusive ever changing infinitely woven river of moments with our consciousness retaining It flows like this rhythm To which I apply rhyme containing Guiding words delivered from my mind forever reverberating Further stating time is not linear As we do most perceive It bends and it warps Makes our mind contort From the birth of the cosmos to the present hour Time weaves our story I be the one to explain time in its full glory In the depths of the past where all of our memories are cast Our life soon to pass we reside as just quantum connections with the infinity entanglement with the endless cosmic energy Time is our canvas To which we paint our life The moments current to the ones long gone and forgotten We etch our souls into time like a melody begotten From ticking of clocks to the surrounding sun Time measures our days until our journey is done Universe is to remain a profound cosmic enigma Forever shrouded in mystery Trying to understand it all Until me and my energy are sent back to the infinity Me and my 3 dimensional life to finally be told just as a soon to be forgotten piece of human history hashtags: #sinnapz #SINNEWSHIT #SINTHEWORDSMITH #sintthi #Rap #HipHop #Rapper #Freestyle #Bars #Lyrics #Beats #Flow #Music #Trap #GangstaRap #Underground #Mixtape #NewMusic #UnsignedArtist #HipHopCulture #RealRap #SpitFire #HipHopHead #RapGame #DopeBeats #RapLife #HipHopNation #RapArtist #HipHopCommunity


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5 months ago


5 months ago

Killed it! 🎯

5 months ago

Killed it! 🎯

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