Time pass

13 Plays

6 months ago

Ok Time passes or it is we who pass, so that in an instant today becomes yesterday and tomorrow will become today. All around me life becomes only a void, the main thing is that we decide what we want to do with this life and make sure that no one decides for us, because this life we want everything to go for the better. The end of this word is awful but all it takes is to keep a "steel mind" to manage this pass without forgetting that everything happens in the tibia I listen to music when I don't want to but I understand the lyrics only when I'm sad Acrobat Time passes and we spend with him Since our life is always carried away by time that never ceases to escape us, let's try to attach something that remains to us Let's be clear or young people time passes as fast as old people because we don't care The drivers of the present time would be better if it did not remind us of the pleasures of memories of the past time since you have time passes a news ever I listen to music when I don't want to I understand the lyrics when I'm sad


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6 months ago

Ok Time passes or it is we who pass, so that in an instant today becomes yesterday and tomorrow will become today. All around me life becomes only a void, the main thing is that we decide what we want to do with this life and make sure that no one decides for us, because this life we want everything to go for the better. The end of this word is awful but all it takes is to keep a "steel mind" to manage this pass without forgetting that everything happens in the tibia I listen to music when I don't want to but I understand the lyrics only when I'm sad Acrobat Time passes and we spend with him Since our life is always carried away by time that never ceases to escape us, let's try to attach something that remains to us Let's be clear or young people time passes as fast as old people because we don't care The drivers of the present time would be better if it did not remind us of the pleasures of memories of the past time since you have time passes a news ever I listen to music when I don't want to I understand the lyrics when I'm sad

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