


scrolling I never leaving my phone if I ever had you number I would of hit you up all the time no matter how busy I can get I’ll still have the chance to see the messages I’ll be there even if it really late even if I’m in bed looking on my phone doing nothing but if I don’t wanna they can be others out there waiting for you to open up to them I may be a bad friend not showing up but hey I tried I was feeling like you but so low I may be so depressed that day but it made me stronger to move out of my depression I may be a bad influence of a friend but I was dealing with things on my own I may be alone everyday but I am used to it I mainly work at home dealing with family and friends on the left relationship too I may have not been a really good me I been thinking of the past me too I’m glad I moved from there it’s seem you love my past move then I did I can’t believe how far I come I’m believing in myself nowadays I made it this far I did it!!


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6 months ago

Jiggy 🕺 Jiggy 🕺 Savage 🔪 Straightenin’ 👌 Money 💸 Slime 🤝 On the Low 🤫 Slidddd 🌊 Slidddd 🌊 Bussin 💥 LIT 🔥

great track keep pushing hard and hard to get a feature

6 months ago

scrolling I never leaving my phone if I ever had you number I would of hit you up all the time no matter how busy I can get I’ll still have the chance to see the messages I’ll be there even if it really late even if I’m in bed looking on my phone doing nothing but if I don’t wanna they can be others out there waiting for you to open up to them I may be a bad friend not showing up but hey I tried I was feeling like you but so low I may be so depressed that day but it made me stronger to move out of my depression I may be a bad influence of a friend but I was dealing with things on my own I may be alone everyday but I am used to it I mainly work at home dealing with family and friends on the left relationship too I may have not been a really good me I been thinking of the past me too I’m glad I moved from there it’s seem you love my past move then I did I can’t believe how far I come I’m believing in myself nowadays I made it this far I did it!!

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