General Truthspeaker 505
General Truthspeaker 505

is hard,make it,

is hard,make it,

20 Plays

6 months ago

is hard,make it, How fast the web LamborghiniIt’s a risk, But I’ll take it, Feeling like To get a higher placement, Life is hard, But I’ll make it, I can’t wait a long time I’m anxious, I’ve just gotta get off The pavement, So they hear me across The nation, Life is hard.


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Thank you bro

6 months ago

What it is @generaltruthspeaker505, We appreciate you sharing 'is hard,make it,', here's the good and the bad of uploading tracks on Rap Fame! 1. Use the volume mixer to adjust the levels of your beat and vocal to find the best mix for your track! 🎛 2. Once you find a good recording set up, stick with it! Rapping is all about consistency, try and apply this to every level of your music! 3. Using headphones can drastically improve the quality of your track, try using them next time to give your track that extra boost! 🎧 4. Why not try using some of our in-app effects, such as auto-tune or equalizer, to take your track to the next level? 5. Unfortunately the track is too short for us to give you proper feedback, please send in a longer track! 6. Get immediate feedback on your track with Judge 4 Judge! You and another user simultaneously provide feedback for each other's track, helping you to level up on your next drop! 💥 Send your next track to hot so we can see how you took our tips on board!💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

is hard,make it, How fast the web LamborghiniIt’s a risk, But I’ll take it, Feeling like To get a higher placement, Life is hard, But I’ll make it, I can’t wait a long time I’m anxious, I’ve just gotta get off The pavement, So they hear me across The nation, Life is hard.

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