
lust freestyle

 lust freestyle

23 Plays

6 months ago

In the darkness where desires breed, Lust and addiction plant their seed. Whispers in the shadows, a dangerous creed, Chasing highs, fueled by an insatiable need. Lost in the rhythm of a forbidden dance, Addiction's grip, a relentless trance. Heart racing, caught in a tempting chance, A dangerous liaison, a risky romance. In the haze of desire, temptation's flame, Lustful yearning, an addictive game. Chasing ecstasy, dancing with shame, A dangerous ride, but who's to blame? Intoxicated by the touch, a passionate fire, Addiction's chains tighten, pulling me higher. A dance with demons, a burning pyre, In the pursuit of pleasure, we conspire. Lust and addiction, a perilous blend, A tangled web where desires descend. Lost in the grip, a journey to mend, In the rapids of passion, will it ever end?


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6 months ago

In the darkness where desires breed, Lust and addiction plant their seed. Whispers in the shadows, a dangerous creed, Chasing highs, fueled by an insatiable need. Lost in the rhythm of a forbidden dance, Addiction's grip, a relentless trance. Heart racing, caught in a tempting chance, A dangerous liaison, a risky romance. In the haze of desire, temptation's flame, Lustful yearning, an addictive game. Chasing ecstasy, dancing with shame, A dangerous ride, but who's to blame? Intoxicated by the touch, a passionate fire, Addiction's chains tighten, pulling me higher. A dance with demons, a burning pyre, In the pursuit of pleasure, we conspire. Lust and addiction, a perilous blend, A tangled web where desires descend. Lost in the grip, a journey to mend, In the rapids of passion, will it ever end?

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