
Amanda du Pont

Amanda du Pont

18 Plays

8 months ago

chorus if she ain't hot like amanda i don't want her if she ain't hot like amanda i don't want her amanda, amanda du pont amanda, amanda du pont verse if i can not get amanda can i at least get bianca with a girl like that i'm bound to excel her beauty got chris elon paper i got amanda as my wallpaper i'm sick, i'm a creep, her insta vids make me wanna take out my d stick it in, wake up man, it's just a dream I'm obsessed like Stan, I'm an African slim damn, i need me some swati ass if she's swati and yellow, i'll at least pretend last night, i was watching Shadow, my heart skipped a beat her smile is hypnotizing. I was mesmerized throughout her scenes. for amanda du pont, I'd commit the unforgivable sin. her voice gives me goosebumps I can scream from calrlton Center rooftops tell the whole jozi, who is my celebrity crush hot and sassy, she is my type. If I were Cass, I would have given her a child, I would waste no type I'm a December baby, so she is tailored for me. she walks like she's got the world in the palm of her hand, like she doesn't care, she ain't Greek, but she's a goddess. Swati princess. I want someone like her, a boss lady, pretty babby, smooth as silk, cool as air, my world is hers. I would give up rap for someone like her. but there can only be one Amanda, and I don't care what them tweeps say about her. veres she is swati from swaziland, light in complexion. Her daddy is french, i need me some swati ass. If i can't get amanda, can i at least get

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