Alfred de Pinche'
Alfred de Pinche'

Blessed in Hell

Blessed in Hell

236 Plays

6 months ago

#B14 Blessed in Hell Blessed to hell I creep and I crawl in the darkness where pits black calls not a trace nor a pinch or a quiver of light dark Messiah murder this your blessed for all the sin within broke the rules of heavens gate through your living sinful lust and hate vision your life cycle of a sinner cast to the luke of fire burning wet e.fused with oceans of fire bkessing diffing a hole in your brain imas the hot air fire not blessed for you dark diseres thought of your living you burn in fire it never lets up in never expires through a blesslrsd life your soul it melts for more than a while feel the singing rain the rain of a scorching blaze all you can do is breath in the haze and wish you never exsisted or did all the mad shit that you held in your own fark desirez blessed blessed whit the darkness nest of the shadows kept dark fir scorching and you burning death you will forever regret never sinned darkness the rules you had no respect vbkessed with the helish dark abyss Blessed of death of dark matter torment blazing in the lake of fire ocean tised of fusion in depth despised in a place for lures and the worst sinners you don't want none of this it's a dark abyss you regret you sinned all the dark shit  kdept  in your own put lit to a hells lit mess and your bones all wet with the helish put that you live the rest of infinity it's your never ending death your blessed with the hells of fire but ing dark desire and your bashing teeth crumbling at your feet when you feel dark heat torture in your core beneath orgasm of a wailing screech wgilr your teeth they creek the shattered burn bones byr es holes that keep you up can't die can't faibt you just feel the pain and firalsake your God that gave you all but you shied. Bi faith burn in the inferno depts your blessed burning forever your alive all you do is quiver your liver rots on fire and you can feel the inner like your skune stretch on fire while your wishing you die as you burn hotter and hotter  can imaginate from ykur hate your blessed with the dark sinxhed death itss uour second death your blessed on how to take care of her I have to car


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6 months ago

BALLER 🏀 I feel it! 🤜🤛 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

6 months ago

not sure what ur saying On the Low 🤫 COLD 🥶 Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Perfect 💯

6 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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