
real feels???

real feels???

2 Plays

8 months ago

where did time go when i was just a kid the shit i did made the time fly i wish i could gp back to the old times when i was ok not thinking like a craze now my life feels like a very big maze because i feel so lost and empty these suicidal thoughts haunt me and taunt me i might do it like ka boom i say this because its true being here just makes a problem in the lines thats how i feel like the last 5 years havent been a blast and these 3 years make me want to go back to the past becaude this shit we call time moves way to fucking fast for me to live with a bunch of laughs even when i do its going way to fast and thats not my real feels like when do i get a break oh i dont because the time dont care for u it dont wait aither so dont sit there and be a no life like i used to be please get a child hood just so u dont ask where did the time go bro i really miss that shit it makes me tick when i miss it because it mskes me feel sad but u dont feel bad and either does the time so i feel bad for the kids like me listening to this please go do something


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8 months ago

where did time go when i was just a kid the shit i did made the time fly i wish i could gp back to the old times when i was ok not thinking like a craze now my life feels like a very big maze because i feel so lost and empty these suicidal thoughts haunt me and taunt me i might do it like ka boom i say this because its true being here just makes a problem in the lines thats how i feel like the last 5 years havent been a blast and these 3 years make me want to go back to the past becaude this shit we call time moves way to fucking fast for me to live with a bunch of laughs even when i do its going way to fast and thats not my real feels like when do i get a break oh i dont because the time dont care for u it dont wait aither so dont sit there and be a no life like i used to be please get a child hood just so u dont ask where did the time go bro i really miss that shit it makes me tick when i miss it because it mskes me feel sad but u dont feel bad and either does the time so i feel bad for the kids like me listening to this please go do something

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