
9 Plays

6 months ago

am deep inside the ocean looking for the missing daimod💎 demons no wan leave me👹 pirate in the middle of the ocean 🌊 oscer a city of draicular coold blood 🩸pirate Never leaves fight pirate never gives up ✅ way back to the 👽misterous land way i cam from ✅ far from my home town 20 missing piece peaceful brezz in sea 🌬️🌊 it feel real sounds 📢 like o o o 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 manmaid in sea the now say me i maind own this Sid na for the island i want to plant an i go find the missing piece💎💎💎💎💰🧭 challenge the sea house challenge the sea demons challenge the deep blue sea from getting sink deep down that ocean


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6 months ago

am deep inside the ocean looking for the missing daimod💎 demons no wan leave me👹 pirate in the middle of the ocean 🌊 oscer a city of draicular coold blood 🩸pirate Never leaves fight pirate never gives up ✅ way back to the 👽misterous land way i cam from ✅ far from my home town 20 missing piece peaceful brezz in sea 🌬️🌊 it feel real sounds 📢 like o o o 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 manmaid in sea the now say me i maind own this Sid na for the island i want to plant an i go find the missing piece💎💎💎💎💰🧭 challenge the sea house challenge the sea demons challenge the deep blue sea from getting sink deep down that ocean

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