


35 Plays

8 months ago

if i could only show what I've done in my life i think i found the perfect one to make my bomb ass wife but she don't want to yet and it cuts me like a knife I don't like pretending but everything'll be alright I'm holding on tightly i don't wanna let her go ill just keep on proving that I'm perfect for her though when were apart it feels like being stranded in the snow but when together all that shitty pain seems to go., i got allot to say i hate to be misunderstood I'm down to be good understand me if you could ive treated others kindly like we all should do but try to fuck me over aint really the thing to do try to fuck me over you got another thing coming karma is a bitch fool why you be running running at the mouth when every word be cunning. thinking you look cool when really your looking funny if i could just please have a moment of your time ill tell ya how i came up without committing a crime if you listen up closely you just might find,well.. something to think about at a much later time not to be a bother all the while but if you do what is right it'll all be worthwhile. so just sit back and start to listen it's time you broke out of your own mental prison ----- Doing onto others as you want onto yourself is easier said than done when your sitting in a cell you put yourself there and you think your out of luck but lo and behold there's still some hope for you yet..... your stuck in your muck and hate feeling like your stuck that public pretender didn't really give a fuck so do your time and make sure you do that shit right no 90 extra days just for getting in a fight your finally out and running a muck in your ol'neighborhood your up to your old ways and you know that ain't no good just stop for a second and think of what ya got and not those bullshit lies that you recently bought think of your family and the values that were taught think of all your loved ones and the dreams that you sought think of all those times that you regrettably fought win or lose there always be a lesson to be taught everything happens in life for a reason alot of good and shitty things with every passing season it's how you deal with problems whenever they arrive boy you should be grateful that your still alive gotta find that drive and the will to survive Im'a push forward and into that thriving overdrive gotta let go of some of those really bad habits --before our time has come and we're sleeping with the maggots ca

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