
13 Plays

6 months ago


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6 months ago

Stay lit ⚡ Slime 🤝 Stay lit ⚡ Slime 🤝 HEAT 🥵 Slime 🤝 HEAT 🥵

6 months ago

Great job with this track keep up the good work 👏

6 months ago

Hey @kloutmellow.9885273 we liked your track 'Gangsta', We're so happy you're joining the Rap Fame Community, so here's a couple tips from us: 1. Try testing out different flows! Even if you got your rhythm down, changing it up can add some extra spice to any track! 🌶 2. Try and test out the distance between you and the mic before recording, this can make a huge difference to the quality! ✨ 3. Your track could really benefit from a headset to improve the recording quality! 🎧 4. Rap Fame defo has some powerful effects 🚀 Keep using 'em, but remember less can be more when it comes to the mixing stage! 5. Use denoise on your vocal to reduce the background noise on your track! 6. Why not upload or record a video to go along with your music, that way you could get featured on the Popular Video section! 📸 It was great listening to your track, we hope to see a lot more of you in the future, please feel free to share some more tracks with us! 🙌 All the best, The Rap Fame team 😎

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