Will Looney

Take It All...

Will Looney
Take It All...

127 Plays

11 months ago

Spread some cheer, Show no fear, Say it loud, make it clear. Find that hope and keep it near. Hold it close and make it dear. Before that hope can disappear... Escape the mess uve persevered. Gain the more that u revered. Instead of less that u hav feared. Take each lesson commandeered. Sink it in until it's seared. Deep with in, and never sheared. Cut on out to never reappear... Instead veer and steer to a path much more clear... So... Take the fear, Take the pain, Take it all, so none remains. Take obsession, from this brain. Take this beauty, no more vein. Take this heart and all this pain. Take this tongue away, so there's nothing left for me to explain. Take this pride, and this shame. Take this wise, heavy brain. Take my drive straight away. Take this personality, for which I'm truly famed. Take assurance, Take endurance, Take my fans and all observance. Take my plans, and in occurrence. Take each thing that is deterrence. Giv it to another with transference and preservance... Take these scars, take each seam. Take me far, from each scheme. Let me fall, never lean. Let me call, so never seen. Let me ball, with so much green. But let me fall, at the scene. Take my words, and wat they mean. Study them, and let them gleam. Take this filth, and wipe me clean. Take each worry, Take each struggle, Take each passion, Make it double, Take each feather that I ruffle, Take each fight and every scuffle, Make it right, no more trouble. Giv me flight, and like a shuttle. Blast me off from this struggle.. Giv me friends, to hav to huddle. Giv me girls, to always cuddle. Giv me love, to always snuggle. Giv me difference, giv me shuffle. Giv me ease, no more trouble. Giv me peace, no more scuttle. Take my words, giv me mussel. Slow me down, no more hustle. Take my worth, make it double. But take me first, and make it subtle. To get away, escape this bubble... Ya... Take it all... Take everything, big or small. Take my worth, short or tall. Take my rise and let me fall. Take my prize and never ball... Take surprise from me too. Take my site and every view. Take my pride, it's overdue. Take my ride, and every shoe. So I'm stuck and then subdued. Take my fame and all ways cued. As being vein and take it too. Don't explain, it's well past due. Let friends remain, but far and few... Ya... Take it all... Take everything, big or small. Take my worth, short or tall. Take my rise and let me fall. Take my prize and never ball... Let the price for it all, Be chopped and diced overall... Ya... Take it all...


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11 months ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

11 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

11 months ago

Strong Bars 💪

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