Esinaso Vitshima

fuck school 🏫

Esinaso Vitshima
fuck school 🏫

2 Plays

12 months ago

back to school ain't no cool ain't no rule there are no jobs but the are many schools.fuck school i know why we still even have this whole furking outdated concept for school to just build workers coz we know the fuck that school was created for.why we are pretending, we know school was created to create workers what the fuck is x?.Im still waiting, when have i in my life as an adult known what the X is? no furcking idea just a lot of useless information got passed into me on school i don't really learn anything. are you really gonna use algebra, factorisation etc in the real world? you don't have to finish school to be rich all you got is to do what you are good at and pray to God that he must give you the power to shine and make sure you leave a sign in this world not a sigh.its up to you if you wanna be rich or being enriched you don't got time to be wasting teachers are tryna to blow future and you will be waiting for them with some bad results at the end of the year but if you had got off that desk being told useless information like x you would be better at the end of the year. IT'S UP TO YOU AND PRAY FOR GOD TO LIGHTEN YOU❤️🙏

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