Blank Out

58 Plays

9 months ago

MAXED OUT ON DIS PAIN , TANGEREY GLASS FROM THE BROKEN BOTTLES, SIPPED ,SIPPED SOME MO , TRYING TO BLANK OUT, ,TRIP ,, TRIP OUT SOME MORE , YOU BETTER BE TIP TOE WHEN IM AT YO DOOR.. Maxed out to the max! when im leaving the house ,big mouth, got ronda rousied, momma said knock you out, LL, cool J,, as im pulling back dis line one spin on the reel at a time ,happy is how i feal, , 1st thing i wanna do is give thanks to the big man upstairs, The seasons changing, into fall , So we be getting uh whole lot of dem cold stares., keep coming with them prayers,repairing parts in dis life ,the damage from the maxed out days of iving, second guess yourself, before someone has you quick to judge after a room full of bad mouthing me, i. can hear it a gift given to me , , , try being the realiest ass verson , realiest ass person you can be, watch tne side blinding, get your mind gutter like them.


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MAXED OUT ON DIS PAIN , TANGEREY GLASS FROM THE BROKEN BOTTLES, SIPPED ,SIPPED SOME MO , TRYING TO BLANK OUT, ,TRIP ,, TRIP OUT SOME MORE , YOU BETTER BE TIP TOE WHEN IM AT YO DOOR.. Maxed out to the max! when im leaving the house ,big mouth, got ronda rousied, momma said knock you out, LL, cool J,, as im pulling back dis line one spin on the reel at a time ,happy is how i feal, , 1st thing i wanna do is give thanks to the big man upstairs, The seasons changing, into fall , So we be getting uh whole lot of dem cold stares., keep coming with them prayers,repairing parts in dis life ,the damage from the maxed out days of iving, second guess yourself, before someone has you quick to judge after a room full of bad mouthing me, i. can hear it a gift given to me , , , try being the realiest ass verson , realiest ass person you can be, watch tne side blinding, get your mind gutter like them.

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