
10 Plays

8 months ago


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8 months ago


8 months ago

What's up @mmkgp, Thanks for the sharing 'mmk', here's our two cents on uploading tracks to Rap Fame! 💥 1. Letting the beat dictate your flow is a simple way to sound smooth. 🌊 2. Remember to add dope cover art to your tracks to really show off your image and vibes! 🌊 3. Using headphones will cut out the feedback and really help the quality. 🎧 4. Rap Fame defo has some powerful effects 🚀 Keep using 'em, but remember less can be more when it comes to the mixing stage! 5. Try using our denoise feature to reduce the background noise from your device! 6. Now you've done your first track, get some feedback from established judges on how to improve through Judge 4 Judge! 💎 Overall this junt eat fam! Can't wait to see what else you drop! All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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