LIVING TOO FAST ft Londonn and Phatblacc

LIVING TOO FAST ft Londonn and Phatblacc

808 Plays

8 months ago

Contest submission with @mzlondonn and @officialphatblacc They killed their parts and thanks for working with me y’all So the theme for this song is take me to neverland to stop time and make sure we savor our moments cause time is valuable. Hooks-LONDONN Verse 1- officialphatblacc Verse 2-ACE This song should do well in the contest in my opinion 💯💯🔥🔥 @rapfame_official @rapfame_ar_team @baber @tre3high @phillygang @wintafresh21 @jbothekid @dexidous @jaynappy @lilnoflo @projection @chrispluto @era51 @hotboygutter @keithgoins447 @aye_ceee13 @lumen_natura @adogg7730 @officialphatblacc @robbie_maurice @modernemcee @mzlondonn @BR33ZE01 @therealnik0n @johnstoney @rellmoneymillion @xannybaby @brellygdagoat @Tollz @mtstreets @teedogg205 @rapfame_ar_team @onastyjr @califreshog @supa14 @mandiex @mzgabz @awill4eva @qhuamhephlavha @iambabyquan @quandezy @dalveon @miketait @dirtymoney502 @TatuJesus @kabstardaprince @killermami @systovis @vannabg00d @leiditee @down2earth @paparedd @reallukahill @infinite.psycho420 @emanuel.711 @mikeg100 @dm3llo @liberia @jcofficial @jhavoc2690 @trillj1k @SlapQueen #rapfame #feature #chrispluto #acet #contest #collab @pretty_boy_colorado @mr.bodied @GaviLong @dekkal @greatwhite4391 @brockdamien @drastik7 @stu. @thegodbig7 @tripl3ch3rry @topshelf713 @r3llik @mixbreedboi @metahuman @iamkp @candelady @keithgoins447 @trapianna @joegardner @therealzapman @ponomo @jaymatomusic @lilbennysunc @yunglowsta @dahypeman96 @natir @maniebanqz1 @ymi_qc @BR33ZE01 @lilhonest88 @fryfry69 @ckobain420 @chicagobully4 @murkeywaterflow @havoc.d @jakeyg @johnjohn.2008 #shadowsace @shice @gwoodgwood @hatemeforever @officallythylo @rawwk #benchwarmers @joeyadams @bigmike1989 @tokyanna @thronnie @youngpacfnn @DebodadonBalla @hush.6181 @jusgee @abnartie @nenoblaze @kingd3ezy @collectedstudios @123combo @platinumphantom @leiditee @rile @gemibaby @gemifly_toya88 @legendaryrecordz @letum.kno @ccali @swaggexec @cigang @sk8board @ace_cambino @virgillee @scrappy32scrappy32 @m60gunner @mafiaqueen @lashmoneyyondabeat @bfosho @himwonttell @jchurch @lilcozmo @holyproductions17 @japanda @fortune500 @therealmarijanebarz @tgo.7635081 @luke2g @21babylimp @dm3llo @ohmygodkai @GaviLong @phillygang @4fifth @jay.9295801 @couldbeizik @Azwoald @lazysouthernking713 @eemcee @emanuel.711 @twista.7978762 @headband @mauhclick @rainbowtwins144 @one_x_pop @voodooflow @lokey123 #dark #hard #contest #love #entry #collab @clayytz @grand_melodic #lvtface #LIVINGFAST #LIVINGTOOFAST #Ace # contest #mtstreets @rapfame_official @rapfame_ar_team @clayytz @viewboishine @TatuJesus @g.m.c @hoehoe


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7 months ago

DOPE 🍀 On both parts


8 months ago

Strong Bars 💪

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