Lucky Charm
Lucky Charm

crazy cupid

crazy cupid

73 Plays

8 months ago

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Keep pushing and grinding until you reach the top

8 months ago

Hi @kzpf1iqqfs! Here's a couple tips for your track 'crazy cupid'! 💥 1. Take some inspiration from a range of genres and styles, this way you can create a sound truly unique to you! 2. Be yourself! True authenticity can really make people fall in love with your music! ❤️‍🔥 3. Your tracks would be of much greater quality if you use headphones next time. 🎧 4. Your vocals could sound even doper with some special effects. There's lots of great options in the Rap Fame studio we recommend trying. 5. Now you've done your first track, get some feedback from established judges on how to improve through Judge 4 Judge! 💎 Keep uploading tracks for the chance to be added to our editors Playlists! 🔥 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

8 months ago

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