Sultan Mob
Sultan Mob

wish I like him soo confident instead I'm playing with a ornament yeah your swimming with the sharks mate and I'm st

wish I like him
soo confident 
instead I'm playing with a ornament 

your swimming with the sharks mate
and I'm st

18 Plays


9 months ago

wish I like him soo confident instead I'm playing with a ornament yeah your swimming with the sharks mate and I'm standing at the gate I ant wana wait hmm he good at everything even too sing he is the king you don't believe me mate well Damm he great and if I gotta rate he would a eight


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8 months ago

thanks 😊

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

9 months ago

What's up @sultanmob.9694696, Thanks for the sharing 'wish I like him soo confident instead I'm playing with a ornament yeah your swimming with the sharks mate and I'm st', here's our two cents on uploading tracks to Rap Fame! πŸ’₯ 1. Use multiple vocal tracks to add some extra power to your flows. 2. Try and test out the distance between you and the mic before recording, this can make a huge difference to the quality! ✨ 3. Try adding some of the in-app effects to your next track to take it to a whole new level. 4. Use denoise on your vocal to reduce the background noise on your track! 5. Post a longer track so we can really give you some detailed thoughts. 6. Now you've done your first track, get some feedback from established judges on how to improve through Judge 4 Judge! πŸ’Ž Keep perfecting your sound, we'd love to hear you progress on your musical journey! πŸ’ͺ All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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