Give my all

103 Plays

10 months ago

If you ever catch me slipping it is purely fiction, i feel the friction from my last prediction. Replacing this hatred in my spirit praying for a difference, i keep my fingers digging if i was in prison. Pictures come through my messages i see my daughter, feels like I'm not a father so i need to play it smarter. Holding my breath in water thinking about what I could've taught her, give her a book and then say im the author so disappointed whenever I lost her. Go get a blood test from my doctor go get a drug test for my bosses, walking this road i been taking some losses i could never get a raise in the office I'm moving cautious. I'm hoping i can make a profit and give it as college funds, my body is kinda numb and I'm feeling kinda dumb. The years are passing i see her reaction to mr not being there, cuz I travel everywhere. I pray the years can be easy but it can be harder, within my mind I'm still boy but i am a father. I gotta stack up all my paper do i can be larger, giving my all if they fall i don't need to call them.


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Legend! 👑

Amazing 💎

deep storytelling ✌️ 💕 🎶 💯

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