Ashwin Kalyandurg


Ashwin Kalyandurg

13 Plays

12 Aug 2023

Chapter 3 **Jenga-Maaan** soar-ing high, in the sky, Day's end near, as the winds fly. Gold-en stones shin-ing, gleam-ing so bright, Ce-rule-an hues, vi-vid delight. Tam-bour-ine rhythm, funk in the air, En-chant-ment's spell, no need to be-ware. E-traz calls, its won-ders un-fold, Hungry heart, sto-ries un-told. Sun dips low, mirth in the breeze, Backpack's load, light-er with ease. Mar-ket-place whis-pers se-crets a-new, Mer-chants' tales, like morn-ing dew. Whores in robes, hushed and shy, Dance hall si-lence, spir-its draw nigh. "Who's the guest?" Jenga-Maaan speaks, Vor-tex's gaze, jour-ney it seeks. Vil-lagers talk, slow as a stream, Vor-tex's wis-dom, truths gleam. Realm of vice and sin, Jenga's terrain, Land of Fire's al-lure, pas-sion's flame. "Ex-ot-ic tree nymphs?" with a cheeky grin, Vil-lagers spill, se-crets held with-in. Jenga-Maaan's fire ig-nites, des-tiny's ride, Mon-sters ap-proach, pow-er on his side. Bat-tle un-folds, fren-zy's em-brace, Jenga's prow-ess, set-ting the pace. Mon-sters fal-ter, strength so pure, Vor-tex's touch, en-er-gy al-lure. Roots and vines clash, a fu-ri-ous bout, Cag-es crum-ble, pow-er de-vout. Mon-sters fall, Jenga's prow-ess un-tamed, Con-flict, in pow-er he's named. Tal-ons sharp, pain tries to stall, Jenga fights on, an-swer-ing the call. Bat-tle roars fierce, re-sil-ience is strong, Mon-sters fade a-way, to the cos-mic song. Wooden pris-on shat-tered, free-dom's embrace, Jenga takes off, dreams to chase. Mon-sters at-tack, yet he stands tall, Jenga moves for-ward, des-tiny's call. Jenga's tor-men-tors, in pie-ces they lay, Vic-tory's re-ward, en-er-gy's sway. Thorny dome shat-tered, free-dom pre-vails, Cli-max, e-pic tales. Owl de-scends, tal-ons sharp and keen, Jenga's trap set, like a scene. Con-flict, en-er-gy in-tense, Jenga takes on owl, cos-mic de-fense. Owl in tur-moil, cage's hold so tight, Jenga's pow-er surg-es, cos-mic light. Ex-haust-ed but stand-ing, strength he por-trays, Tri-umph is his, end of days. Vil-lagers gath-er, whis-pers and cheers, Jenga-Maaan's au-ra, for-ev-ermore. He steps forth, light's sweet de-light, Ash's voice car-ries, through cos-mic night.


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Chapter 3 **Jenga-Maaan** soar-ing high, in the sky, Day's end near, as the winds fly. Gold-en stones shin-ing, gleam-ing so bright, Ce-rule-an hues, vi-vid delight. Tam-bour-ine rhythm, funk in the air, En-chant-ment's spell, no need to be-ware. E-traz calls, its won-ders un-fold, Hungry heart, sto-ries un-told. Sun dips low, mirth in the breeze, Backpack's load, light-er with ease. Mar-ket-place whis-pers se-crets a-new, Mer-chants' tales, like morn-ing dew. Whores in robes, hushed and shy, Dance hall si-lence, spir-its draw nigh. "Who's the guest?" Jenga-Maaan speaks, Vor-tex's gaze, jour-ney it seeks. Vil-lagers talk, slow as a stream, Vor-tex's wis-dom, truths gleam. Realm of vice and sin, Jenga's terrain, Land of Fire's al-lure, pas-sion's flame. "Ex-ot-ic tree nymphs?" with a cheeky grin, Vil-lagers spill, se-crets held with-in. Jenga-Maaan's fire ig-nites, des-tiny's ride, Mon-sters ap-proach, pow-er on his side. Bat-tle un-folds, fren-zy's em-brace, Jenga's prow-ess, set-ting the pace. Mon-sters fal-ter, strength so pure, Vor-tex's touch, en-er-gy al-lure. Roots and vines clash, a fu-ri-ous bout, Cag-es crum-ble, pow-er de-vout. Mon-sters fall, Jenga's prow-ess un-tamed, Con-flict, in pow-er he's named. Tal-ons sharp, pain tries to stall, Jenga fights on, an-swer-ing the call. Bat-tle roars fierce, re-sil-ience is strong, Mon-sters fade a-way, to the cos-mic song. Wooden pris-on shat-tered, free-dom's embrace, Jenga takes off, dreams to chase. Mon-sters at-tack, yet he stands tall, Jenga moves for-ward, des-tiny's call. Jenga's tor-men-tors, in pie-ces they lay, Vic-tory's re-ward, en-er-gy's sway. Thorny dome shat-tered, free-dom pre-vails, Cli-max, e-pic tales. Owl de-scends, tal-ons sharp and keen, Jenga's trap set, like a scene. Con-flict, en-er-gy in-tense, Jenga takes on owl, cos-mic de-fense. Owl in tur-moil, cage's hold so tight, Jenga's pow-er surg-es, cos-mic light. Ex-haust-ed but stand-ing, strength he por-trays, Tri-umph is his, end of days. Vil-lagers gath-er, whis-pers and cheers, Jenga-Maaan's au-ra, for-ev-ermore. He steps forth, light's sweet de-light, Ash's voice car-ries, through cos-mic night.

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