Ashwin Kalyandurg


Ashwin Kalyandurg

12 Plays

12 Aug 2023

Chapter 2 Jen-ga-Elm's tale, lend an ear, Val-ley of End, chak-ras ap-pear. Ti-tans col-lide, skies vast in space, Heart-beats sync, en-er-gy's em-brace. Nine-tailed fox roars, fierce and free, Re-al-i-ty shifts, des-ti-ny's de-cree. Bat-tles un-fold, skies ig-nite, Jen-ga-Elm's sa-ga takes its flight. Through the woods, shad-ows en-twine, Yu-ki and Ren, guid-ance di-vine. Yu-ki's cos-mic hold, a pow-er-ful source, Black and white unite, a mys-ti-cal force. "Daz-zlin'," Yu-ki whis-pers, eyes a-light, Ren nods, wis-dom takes its flight. Two de-cades pass, cos-mic ride, Nin-jutsu's prow-ess, side by side. Chak-ra's warm em-brace, trees stand tall, Se-crets un-furl, wa-ter's beck-on-ing call. Jen-ga-Elm learns, ea-ger and keen, Cos-mic tal-ents, a mag-i-cal scene. Na-ture's do-main, wild and free, Ma-ples and oaks, a realm of glee. (Caught in the act) - Truths in-ter-twined, (Ren's wis-dom shines,) - In moon-light's find. "Jen-ga-Elm, my friend, em-brace your spree, Na-ture's dance wild, like waves in the sea. De-sires are nat-u-ral, no need to defend, In the wild, au-then-ti-ci-ty's the trend." Jen-ga-Elm amazed, moon's gen-tle grace, Ren's wis-dom guides in cos-mic space. "Em-brace your jour-ney, strong and true, Kind-ness and growth, let them im-bue." Yu-ki and Ren, u-nit-ed we trust, Pride and long-ing, a cos-mic thrust. "Lis-ten to your soul," Yu-ki's words flow, "Find your truth, as life's cur-rents grow." "I got this," Jen-ga-Elm grins, no re-treat, Vor-tex spins, ad-ven-ture's heart-beat. "To find tree nymphs, let my seed pro-ceed, An od-ys-sey un-folds, life's map we'll read." In a flash, he's gone, jour-ney's light, Leaves rus-tle gent-ly, day turns to night. In se-ren-i-ty's calm, laugh-ter takes wing, Cos-mic path a-head, where dreams sing.


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Chapter 2 Jen-ga-Elm's tale, lend an ear, Val-ley of End, chak-ras ap-pear. Ti-tans col-lide, skies vast in space, Heart-beats sync, en-er-gy's em-brace. Nine-tailed fox roars, fierce and free, Re-al-i-ty shifts, des-ti-ny's de-cree. Bat-tles un-fold, skies ig-nite, Jen-ga-Elm's sa-ga takes its flight. Through the woods, shad-ows en-twine, Yu-ki and Ren, guid-ance di-vine. Yu-ki's cos-mic hold, a pow-er-ful source, Black and white unite, a mys-ti-cal force. "Daz-zlin'," Yu-ki whis-pers, eyes a-light, Ren nods, wis-dom takes its flight. Two de-cades pass, cos-mic ride, Nin-jutsu's prow-ess, side by side. Chak-ra's warm em-brace, trees stand tall, Se-crets un-furl, wa-ter's beck-on-ing call. Jen-ga-Elm learns, ea-ger and keen, Cos-mic tal-ents, a mag-i-cal scene. Na-ture's do-main, wild and free, Ma-ples and oaks, a realm of glee. (Caught in the act) - Truths in-ter-twined, (Ren's wis-dom shines,) - In moon-light's find. "Jen-ga-Elm, my friend, em-brace your spree, Na-ture's dance wild, like waves in the sea. De-sires are nat-u-ral, no need to defend, In the wild, au-then-ti-ci-ty's the trend." Jen-ga-Elm amazed, moon's gen-tle grace, Ren's wis-dom guides in cos-mic space. "Em-brace your jour-ney, strong and true, Kind-ness and growth, let them im-bue." Yu-ki and Ren, u-nit-ed we trust, Pride and long-ing, a cos-mic thrust. "Lis-ten to your soul," Yu-ki's words flow, "Find your truth, as life's cur-rents grow." "I got this," Jen-ga-Elm grins, no re-treat, Vor-tex spins, ad-ven-ture's heart-beat. "To find tree nymphs, let my seed pro-ceed, An od-ys-sey un-folds, life's map we'll read." In a flash, he's gone, jour-ney's light, Leaves rus-tle gent-ly, day turns to night. In se-ren-i-ty's calm, laugh-ter takes wing, Cos-mic path a-head, where dreams sing.

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