
Hello Goodbye

Hello Goodbye

291 Plays

10 months ago

sequence after sequence spin spin so many records so many events were breaken records time passes classes change styletreasures measure up to whoever endeavors to find the priceless so let me ask whos whos really in touch with there spirit ask yourself how many of yall have become brainwashed superficial ya after some turns goin arround the same blocks consistently tryen to survive by whats availabe comptition forcen you to be on top ya i can be like a surfer riden waves surfen humbely maken finite decisions on crossroad questions until you realize it was an all out house trap colision an algarythem man made for twisted plot set ups for individuals to fall into free test dummies for the govenments theories on what they want us to believe is real its what the Gov does to the public to prove how there statistics can control the popluar votes that dictate me and you so my homies keep hustlen grinden fighten the beat on the street keepen up on that rat race time passe by so quickly its like hello goodbye liven life like you always on the chase chasen that paper keepen eyes peeled back for tryen to catch a catfish them cats are gonna cost me a caper watch for them sharks those that clock the action with there spy cams and ultrasound mic's tic toc the beat that never stops ya it keeps goin even after your heart stops beaten feel like retreaten sometimes ya im one who know two times or so its been more then three times that ive had to live through that hood some say hes tameless i go by A K A 's cuz i rather keep myself nameless some things im not proud of so i stay humble and keep it real lifes to delicatebi know now whats fo real, dont take nothin for granted and even still dont practice worshiping your own will. Remember what God said lean not on your understanding you need two or more witnesses to prove what your sayens true, without truth wed all lose our minds thats why the real recognize real they know the pain that comes with earnen days to chill!!


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8 months ago

Bars: On point 🎯 Delivery: Great 🎉 Impression: Dope 🔥

10 months ago

Slime 🤝 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

10 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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