
The God of life

The God of life

70 Plays

11 months ago

And whats so amazing about God you might say And why do people believe in Him so much If He can not save why do you believe in him so much Well this is what you don’t know about God Why you don’t know about God because you have not experience God because you haven’t been open to him that’s the only reason why you can not accept him That’s the only reason why you can not see more of him because you haven’t took him inside of your heart you haven’t given him the opportunity mentally so how would you continue on going continue, on going if you’re out of oil how would you live without God when you have no life because He is the life . How do you live then? God saves, you might say He doesn’t but He does save you might wonder where His at but he does stand right next you right when you feel alone that’s when your worst on and that’s when your having your worst moments thats when God shows His face And nothing can compare to His Grace because He is a merciful God He doesn’t have a respect of person you see His willing to accept you and he is waiting with open arms waiting to accept you to hug you and say welcome my son , welcome my daughter come on in I’v been waiting on you And how could then you have life if you have no life and god is the life and how you would find God if you have no life Don’t you need a life? Well God can give you a life and a life in abundance and everyday you can start all over again and everyday you can repent and everyday , everyday is a new day for new beginnings, for new dreams, for new visions and the more you ask the more He will give to you you see it’s all matter of faith you can not be hoping for more when there is no hope in you. We need God that’s why you feel so alone see.


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11 months ago

And whats so amazing about God you might say And why do people believe in Him so much If He can not save why do you believe in him so much Well this is what you don’t know about God Why you don’t know about God because you have not experience God because you haven’t been open to him that’s the only reason why you can not accept him That’s the only reason why you can not see more of him because you haven’t took him inside of your heart you haven’t given him the opportunity mentally so how would you continue on going continue, on going if you’re out of oil how would you live without God when you have no life because He is the life . How do you live then? God saves, you might say He doesn’t but He does save you might wonder where His at but he does stand right next you right when you feel alone that’s when your worst on and that’s when your having your worst moments thats when God shows His face And nothing can compare to His Grace because He is a merciful God He doesn’t have a respect of person you see His willing to accept you and he is waiting with open arms waiting to accept you to hug you and say welcome my son , welcome my daughter come on in I’v been waiting on you And how could then you have life if you have no life and god is the life and how you would find God if you have no life Don’t you need a life? Well God can give you a life and a life in abundance and everyday you can start all over again and everyday you can repent and everyday , everyday is a new day for new beginnings, for new dreams, for new visions and the more you ask the more He will give to you you see it’s all matter of faith you can not be hoping for more when there is no hope in you. We need God that’s why you feel so alone see.

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