Brent McNeal
Brent McNeal

bad dreams when I sleep hard to eyes closed when I know close to the ghost who approach as im.dreamun th

bad dreams when I sleep 
hard to eyes closed 
when I know close to the ghost who approach as im.dreamun th

6 Plays

11 months ago

bad dreams when I sleep hard to eyes closed when I know close to the ghost who approach as im.dreamun they screaming fir my soal but it's no way im.say in a conscious state that im cool w being a mindslave in there matrix no way its happening less they tapping into my dreams while I'm napping it seems crazy, but maybe it could happen or are they capping bout mk ultra controlling my thoughts and emotions to go with the agenda they begin to push on these puppets fuck it can't catch me woke might try catch me slipping in my dreams it seems to b a theory not actua facts but who actually ask and expected to get directed in the path of truth instead get prepared b thrown fir a loop told to sell ya sole and salute to Satan bad fruit is eaten we've been manipulated by lies of deceat time to rise up r fall flat and retrea to get beat by the system created to make victims of the population by given em racist based hatred to make this United States that was once great turn corrupt and descustingly fake discussed I hate to make such a debate but yall sleep wake up for this nightmare take us 2 a place of no, escape if we keep allowing the elite to divide amd destroybtheyllnthrive to kill off the weak and poor so the rich can encourage the world's rushes these bitches all sick kid get molested and expected to fuck to get a touch if fame just explain how ya can't find missing children but find a billion distractions keep us dumbed down tho b unable focus on what's foibg on around us drown us in fake news to confuse us on who to trust till its just nit enough trust to fuck w anybody that probably survives the apocalyptic rise and fall as we all die slow we know the soal is safe long as I take breath I make death my next choice w the voice that sa8d to much instead if hush felt I must just yell the truth w the proof all around I've found the upside to the down fall if a corrupted government of injustice and evil we the people stand w the man that made it all and gave us all the choice to stand with the lamb r dwell in hell w deacons I mean when u see men pretend that the end ain't near is it doubt or fear I'm about to fill the ear w a clear painted picture no pictors just lies of written scripts this shut words of wisdom ti get straight to the late night dreamers dream uo ut seem tough to just face fate and take the place if grace over a place created to make u take the forbidden fruit first then once u bit in to the fruit of lies the truth then they try disquiet behind a pip3 of lies that provide am illusion to illuminate the one the choose then they use a d abuse them to move the agenda to enter a place to take amd make u the greatest but u pay thus price of ya soap to play this shiet role then ya grow continue to follow the master r then they after ya life r ya kids and wife to mabey write a tragic letter of hiw u was a regular addict who tradjucly got mad a d sad and blasted his wife and then after his daughter watched ge stopped them shot her in the top of the head then fled into the light of the Hollywood covers and they just made an example out of another puppet while others still suckered to join this circus of sacrificial murdering madness I Hurd they had This whole planet on

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