video-Set (14:59)

video-Set (14:59)


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you did a great job Keep up the great work and

10 months ago

keep going keep flowing and stay blessed.

10 months ago

Hi @kloutawesome.9367006! Here's a couple tips for your track 'video-Set (14:59)'! 💥 1. Mix up how you produce your videos to see what works best for you! Find your best angle. 📷 2. Try and test out the distance between you and the mic before recording, this can make a huge difference to the quality! ✨ 3. Your tracks would be of much greater quality if you use headphones next time. 🎧 4. Sorry yo, we need you to share a longer track then we can give you some feedback! 5. Make the step up to the Rap Fame Studio to produce a full track! Submit more for feedback from us and community to see how you're progressing! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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