
Dominick is Gay

Dominick is Gay

150 Plays

12 months ago

Dom ima strap a bomb to you, tie you to the front of my car ram it into a tree just to give you scars. My cracker Justin’s gon be bustin his nuts on your face. Your a disgrace some might even say you’re another race. I’ll put you in your place tell me how Justin’s nut tastes. Joes a hoe what’s that on your hand you sayin it’s snow, come on bro. We all know you can’t keep up with my flow I’m spitting beats like Eminem ima inject you with venom and then squirt your eyes with your moms lemons. About Brody I was told he was a tree hugger, too bad I’m a big time thugger after I’m done with him I’ll be a big time mugger. With your hair you look like shaggy after I’m done with you you’ll have no baggy


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12 months ago

Dom ima strap a bomb to you, tie you to the front of my car ram it into a tree just to give you scars. My cracker Justin’s gon be bustin his nuts on your face. Your a disgrace some might even say you’re another race. I’ll put you in your place tell me how Justin’s nut tastes. Joes a hoe what’s that on your hand you sayin it’s snow, come on bro. We all know you can’t keep up with my flow I’m spitting beats like Eminem ima inject you with venom and then squirt your eyes with your moms lemons. About Brody I was told he was a tree hugger, too bad I’m a big time thugger after I’m done with him I’ll be a big time mugger. With your hair you look like shaggy after I’m done with you you’ll have no baggy

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