the monster

20 Plays

11 months ago

relaxed mind set on overdrive , feelin ogreish, with untapped black mana,  dont provoke me, im sorin to new planes by pairin dope smoke with a hangmans rope spreading false hope to your home plague beast spreading ill seeds. watch these tortured screams morph me into a Sick sadistic sacreligious spritualist combined with an obsessive compulsive hostile militant recklessly pursuing your defences im relentless consistently inspiring  unholy contentment the hands of time are on my side. confused minds left staring at the sun, eyes wide vision  fried burned sockets,  my works never  finished  the antichrists prophet. humanity  begs for mercy thats a no go better luck slitting your own throat. crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i stepped in the booth bruised skin proving recent injections. bubbled up puss pockets reveal the infection.  staring at the void left paranoid. checkin over your shoulder on an unmarked road fears needed cuz indeed i reap lost sheep I'll steal your pieces like jeepers creep leave you with no hands trying to grip  your piece of peace youre a caged creature not allowed to achieve release. like impotent imps you lost fucking ability see reality realize your defeat crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i stepped in the booth atomic wepons fired in fear light up the night a propane and napalm inflicted inferno creating magma flows  happily burnin flesh off ya bones faster than a Broadsword brandishing bipolar bruce banner high on bathsalts and gas fumes. crowned king following  graphic novel worthy proof  i stepped in the bo delighted by the butchery, added insult to injury leaving your  body at the next grudume scence. just a randomized homicide suicide. no connection to me. my thoughts are like gangreene, making your mind rot crowned king following phonographic proof  i stepped in the booth theres an enormous discordant cacaphony in my dreams if i sleep,  urging me to murder things. unending  night terrors sleepwalking , dont touch. im posessed with bloodlust, your door i rushed, fist-gripped rust a butchers glee now all my friends are eating steak and snow. catch a wilkes boothe theatre show,  then I'll charlie sheen hiv poditively bone ya blow hole, tigers blood erection correction and a bill Cosby special confevtion. handing out drinks to all in attendance. "i feel funny" needing lemon pledge to clean my sledge tooth and bone shattered like glass, bodies turned to ash house doused with gas. crowned king following photographic proof  i crushed skulls to juice   smoke rising to heaven, spending time reminiscing on skilled incisions, no wonder these parappa rappers arent upset im not interacting when they're attacking. be glad im too busy, i couldnt care less if im passed up by another gassed up, laughable,media owned lap pup. truth is i  bailed out to raw fuck his dumb sluts big butt while blowing crystal clouds to their new album.  then dipped out no towel. left her face crowned king following porno graphic/ proof  i stepped out the room unclean like that shit from the pitt, embodied intestinal event youve awoken a golgothan inhuman brown goblin robbin baby moms of collagen, unseen in dark a ness make you chant unholy hymns bout praising sins. until im lifted to those pearly gates saint Peter asked me "whyd you kill her then put her pussy and fingers in a blender?" said " i made beefflap finger jack pancake batter, forgot the lid  and made a mess like a confetti cannon shootin saucey spaghetti noodles" shock and awe tactics inserted foreign objects rejected crossed out  ripped out the whole page  crumpled and thrown out. i think hes overreacting to my actions there was only a few dismembered bodies in bathroom stalls, mid street  beheadedings contending with suicide splattered brains painting Rorschach scences on ceilings. crowned king following photo graphic/ proof  i stepped in the booth ive decided im withholding the Passover blessing condemning your first borns your cries echo in these empty corridors my words paint many abyssal pictures caused by mental fissures caused by overturned miracle works of alchemy making these cities of gold return to lead. leaving it poisonous. i have no regret. crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i step in the booth bereft of breath you're left gurgling, soul leaking out with your vitamins, my violence virus is  depositing its  pathogens via unearthly violins played by titatic boarded musicians astoundingly crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i step in the booth my verbal flurry of blows, will leave ya, Rudolph nosed, broke n swol. im leadin the way, got sumn to say? i give no delay, response denied comprende. now your dying crying clutchin heirloom hand grenades awarded no accolades greeted defeated swept away victim of fate my darkened demeanor left  ya lookin  like a zebra. steal your daddy's belt show him how i really felt, tell the nurse he slipped and fell just ,so clumsy. pulse still racing  too hopped up  on Adderall and adrenalin intricate riddles are riddled in like bullet holes chasing Dillingers van. now im lurking in the area an untamed beast still looking for more eats. I'm ill devour ya, after ending your show like Gallagher. im an untamed monster demanding another challenger. whats your abswer sir?


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relaxed mind set on overdrive , feelin ogreish, with untapped black mana,  dont provoke me, im sorin to new planes by pairin dope smoke with a hangmans rope spreading false hope to your home plague beast spreading ill seeds. watch these tortured screams morph me into a Sick sadistic sacreligious spritualist combined with an obsessive compulsive hostile militant recklessly pursuing your defences im relentless consistently inspiring  unholy contentment the hands of time are on my side. confused minds left staring at the sun, eyes wide vision  fried burned sockets,  my works never  finished  the antichrists prophet. humanity  begs for mercy thats a no go better luck slitting your own throat. crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i stepped in the booth bruised skin proving recent injections. bubbled up puss pockets reveal the infection.  staring at the void left paranoid. checkin over your shoulder on an unmarked road fears needed cuz indeed i reap lost sheep I'll steal your pieces like jeepers creep leave you with no hands trying to grip  your piece of peace youre a caged creature not allowed to achieve release. like impotent imps you lost fucking ability see reality realize your defeat crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i stepped in the booth atomic wepons fired in fear light up the night a propane and napalm inflicted inferno creating magma flows  happily burnin flesh off ya bones faster than a Broadsword brandishing bipolar bruce banner high on bathsalts and gas fumes. crowned king following  graphic novel worthy proof  i stepped in the bo delighted by the butchery, added insult to injury leaving your  body at the next grudume scence. just a randomized homicide suicide. no connection to me. my thoughts are like gangreene, making your mind rot crowned king following phonographic proof  i stepped in the booth theres an enormous discordant cacaphony in my dreams if i sleep,  urging me to murder things. unending  night terrors sleepwalking , dont touch. im posessed with bloodlust, your door i rushed, fist-gripped rust a butchers glee now all my friends are eating steak and snow. catch a wilkes boothe theatre show,  then I'll charlie sheen hiv poditively bone ya blow hole, tigers blood erection correction and a bill Cosby special confevtion. handing out drinks to all in attendance. "i feel funny" needing lemon pledge to clean my sledge tooth and bone shattered like glass, bodies turned to ash house doused with gas. crowned king following photographic proof  i crushed skulls to juice   smoke rising to heaven, spending time reminiscing on skilled incisions, no wonder these parappa rappers arent upset im not interacting when they're attacking. be glad im too busy, i couldnt care less if im passed up by another gassed up, laughable,media owned lap pup. truth is i  bailed out to raw fuck his dumb sluts big butt while blowing crystal clouds to their new album.  then dipped out no towel. left her face crowned king following porno graphic/ proof  i stepped out the room unclean like that shit from the pitt, embodied intestinal event youve awoken a golgothan inhuman brown goblin robbin baby moms of collagen, unseen in dark a ness make you chant unholy hymns bout praising sins. until im lifted to those pearly gates saint Peter asked me "whyd you kill her then put her pussy and fingers in a blender?" said " i made beefflap finger jack pancake batter, forgot the lid  and made a mess like a confetti cannon shootin saucey spaghetti noodles" shock and awe tactics inserted foreign objects rejected crossed out  ripped out the whole page  crumpled and thrown out. i think hes overreacting to my actions there was only a few dismembered bodies in bathroom stalls, mid street  beheadedings contending with suicide splattered brains painting Rorschach scences on ceilings. crowned king following photo graphic/ proof  i stepped in the booth ive decided im withholding the Passover blessing condemning your first borns your cries echo in these empty corridors my words paint many abyssal pictures caused by mental fissures caused by overturned miracle works of alchemy making these cities of gold return to lead. leaving it poisonous. i have no regret. crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i step in the booth bereft of breath you're left gurgling, soul leaking out with your vitamins, my violence virus is  depositing its  pathogens via unearthly violins played by titatic boarded musicians astoundingly crowned king following phono/photo/porno graphic/ proof  i step in the booth my verbal flurry of blows, will leave ya, Rudolph nosed, broke n swol. im leadin the way, got sumn to say? i give no delay, response denied comprende. now your dying crying clutchin heirloom hand grenades awarded no accolades greeted defeated swept away victim of fate my darkened demeanor left  ya lookin  like a zebra. steal your daddy's belt show him how i really felt, tell the nurse he slipped and fell just ,so clumsy. pulse still racing  too hopped up  on Adderall and adrenalin intricate riddles are riddled in like bullet holes chasing Dillingers van. now im lurking in the area an untamed beast still looking for more eats. I'm ill devour ya, after ending your show like Gallagher. im an untamed monster demanding another challenger. whats your abswer sir?

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