stump the out feet Barry Allen old  music video

stump the out feet Barry Allen old music video


Yeah yeah yeah yeah I am a menace keep me a rack just like a tennis i’m with this shit like im Dennis I started this shit I’ma finish niggas be hatin tryna blemish my image who wants the smoke? .223 came with the scope clip long as a rope we. Wipe his nose just like he had him as a cold I knew that boy was a ho pull up with the gang you know that was bangin what is your set nigga? What is your claimin? I am a beast you cannot tame it don’t point your finger at this shit can get dangerous these niggas hating these niggas plottin’ ooh he got money i’m running his wallet you say you a killer lil niggas stop it and I shoot out your gun was dropping are you really a fraud you cannot stomp on this yard my nigga thay scammin thay swipin then cards I am so high that I’m taking to stars i’m gonna off these triggers I’m popping them bars don’t mind me Pimpin bith don’t sweat me. Choppa Got a kick call that shit jet Li sauce gang drip though what is your recipe? And I am with The shit lil homie yeah like I’m Toby yeah x2. Bitch! I’m finna ad lib keep all that like I’m Toby yeah like a school shooter named Tony yeah keep all that Tay yeah


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1 year ago


1 year ago

I mean 29

1 year ago

Yea fam here is the best one ever and I love it cuz it’s there so you can play ur friends

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