Wrecka Man M
Wrecka Man M

Shit Crazy (14:25:23)

Shit Crazy (14:25:23)

6 Plays

11 months ago


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11 months ago

Yo @wreckamanm! Waddup. Thanks for sharing your song 'Shit Crazy (14:25:23)'! 💥 Here's some words of advice on the next one: 1. Try testing out different flows! Even if you got your rhythm down, changing it up can add some extra spice to any track! 🌶 2. Once you find a good recording set up, stick with it! Rapping is all about consistency, try and apply this to every level of your music! 3. Using headphones will cut out the feedback and really help the quality. 🎧 4. Keep experimenting with vocal effects! Sometimes less can even be more! 😲 Test different effect levels and settings to find the best balance! 5. Can you give us a bit more? This was too short for us to give you real feedback. 6. Why not upload or record a video to go along with your music, that way you could get featured on the Popular Video section! 📸 Submit more for feedback from us and community to see how you're progressing! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

you did a great job Keep up the great work

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