Teely #FreeCovers #FeatureMe🙄
Teely #FreeCovers #FeatureMe🙄

FREE FALLING (Ends At 2:24)

FREE FALLING (Ends At 2:24)

455 Plays

11 months ago

This song by Teely opens with a woman expressing how her anxiety has lessened since being with someone, attributing it to their influence. She acknowledges that her perspective has changed and she feels more grateful. The chorus conveys a sense of striving for success, both in terms of material wealth and personal relationships. The protagonist feels lonely but finds solace when they are behind the wheel, expressing their emotions and desires, even though the other person may not be receptive. In the verse, the protagonist reflects on their own identity and the challenges they face in the relationship. They describe a partying lifestyle and mention the allure of luxury brands. Despite this, they emphasize their determination to make things work in the end. The chorus repeats, highlighting the juxtaposition of their aspirations and their current situation, while also touching on their feelings of loneliness and their longing to express themselves. The song concludes by referencing doubts and criticisms they have faced, but ultimately reaffirms their commitment to reaching their goals and sharing their feelings, ultimately aiming for a life of success and fulfillment in a house on the hill. #Savageofficial #SoloSavages #FREEFALL I don't need the feature, jus remember me y'all 🙏


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The energy in this track is crazy you're bringing that real heat! 💥 Forreal 💯 Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

1 month ago

You UP 📈 Respect 🤜🤛 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Yooo 😱 BLESSED 🙏 Keep grinding ✊ SICK 👻 This goes hard. Delivery is strong Keep grinding ✊ Bars goes hard SICK 👻 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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